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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 7
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.7 7 Professor Vasyl Ivanovich Albitsky – leading scientist of the Kharkiv Technological Institute in the area of hydraulics (19.03.1850 – after 1916) full article
Pages: 126-138 Summary The scientific achievements of the leading scientist in the area of hydraulics –Vasil Ivanovich Albitsky are shown. Information about the family in which the future scientist was born and his childhood is provided. Details of the first teaching practices of a young scientist are presented.
The state of higher education in Russian empire in that time is considered, in particular, data on the existing universities are given. At the same time, information about the correspondence between of the academic degrees and the Table of Ranks is provided.
The new stage of the polymathic activity by V.I. Albitsky, namely, his service at the Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute (from 1898, KhTI) is analyzed. Here, the scientist not only taught basic disciplines: applied mechanics and hydraulics, supervised the technical drawing, and also created his own new courses, in particular, «Manual pumps, their structure and design»; «Complete detailed calculations of water engines»; «Determination of the number of teeth in round cylindrical gears».
It has been shown that the scientist for three years, as a private-assistant professor, lectured on practical mechanics to students of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kharkiv University, which was not a common practice, on the contrary, university professors were often invited to work in KhPTI.
Reputation of V.I. Albitsky as a specialist in the area of hydraulics was indisputable, so he was involved as an expert on various cases that needed a qualified solution. So, in 1900 the scientist was involved in litigation «About slashing and floating of ice on the river Vorskla – mill» and «About the dam that blocked the flood of the river and its influence on the destruction of meadow land». In 1908, he worked as an expert of the Orlov City Duma for the construction of a dam on the Oka River.
Next year, at the offer of the Poltava District Court, he was invited as an expert in the case of flooding one mill by others, and also at the invitation of the Kobylyatskaya District Board to evaluate the water turbine of the mill along the Vorskla River. On behalf of the Voronezh District Court in 1912, V.I. Albitsky carried out long-term and complex researches near the Korotoyak city concerning the influence of bogging of bows by railroad embankment.
In 1912–1914 for the device of its own design he obtained patents not only from Russian, but also the German and French governments. In addition, it is argued that the scientist is the author of the first hydroelectric power station at the Dnieper. His role in the negotiations with Norway and concerning the construction of a gateway dam in Kerch strait has been clarified. The information about pro-monarchic views of the scientist and escalation of relations with students are presented.
His work as the founder and head of the hydraulic laboratory is described. The conflict of V.I. Albitsky with G.F. Proskura is outlined.
The information about the reasons for the V.I. Albitsky’s resignation and the silence about his work during the Soviet times are presented.
Keywords Vasyl Albitsky, hydraulics, turbines, Kharkiv Technological Institute, scientific researches, hydraulic laboratory, cleaning-out of water pipeline, first hydroelectric power station References
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