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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 6
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.6 6 Contribution of scientists of the department of general agriculture of uman national university of horticulture to the domestic agricultural science development full article
Pages: 112-125 Summary The article deals with the contribution of scientists to the creation of the Department of General Agriculture and scientific research in agriculture from the end of XIX-th and during the 20-th century. In particular, the work of such prominent scientists as M.K. Vasyliev, F.V. Zamorskyi, S.K. Rudenko are analyzed. It is indicated that the research in fruit crops at Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture were initiated in the early years of the 20th century by such prominent scientists and gardeners as V.V. Pashkevych, V.I. Edelstein and P.G. Shytt. Particular attention is paid to the scientific work of the founder of scientific research on garden agriculture, Head of the Department of General Agriculture (1936–1985), Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor S.S. Rubin. In 1930 and 1931 he started stationary experiments with the systems of apple orchard fertilization in the plantations of such varieties as Pepin Lytovskyi and Calville Snizhnyi. Besides in 1931 S.S. Rubin set up an experiment with the systems of gray podzolized soil maintenance in the row spacing of apple orchard with the Pepin Lytovskyi variety, where the fallow system, green-manured fallow system and soddy system have been studied and the soil was maintained under vegetable and field crops. The main tendencies in development of garden and field agriculture are revealed. The main scientific works of the scholars who worked at the Department under the direction of Professor S.S Rubin are analyzed. In 1949 on the basis of the materials of the 20-year research, he published a monograph «Fertilization of Fruit and Berry Crops», for which in 1952 he was awarded the USSR State Prize of the III degree. For the sixth edition of the textbook «General Agriculture» in 1982 the Committee on State Prizes of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers of the UkrSSR awarded S.S. Rubin with the State Prize. In 1984, the last fundamental monograph entitled «Soil Maintenance and Fertilization in Intensive Gardens» was awarded with the Gold Medal named after I.M. Michurin.
It is noted that the scientific radioisotope laboratory and the scientific laboratory for soil maintenance and fertilization have made a great contribution to the development of the research in agriculture. It is stated that the long-term research of the problem laboratory in the field of apple tree fertilization system, which has been conducted since 1931 according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1103-р of December 5, 2007, was included in the State Register of scientific objects that are the national heritage «Unique Research Agroecosystem of Apple Orchad of Uman State Agrarian University».
Scientific researches of the Department headed by the Professor S.S. Rubin are well known in the USA, Belgium, Poland, Holland, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, China. The information on the main directions of current research work of the Department of General Agriculture are given.
Keywords agriculture, garden and field agriculture, department, Uman Agricultural Institute, scientists, scientific laboratory, research, soil maintenance, soil fertility, agricultural crops, yield, S.S. Rubin References
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