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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 5
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.5 5 To the question of the implementation of cultural transformations in the Ukrainian SSR (1920TH of ХХ century) full article
Pages: 98-111 Summary Having seized power in their hands, the Bolsheviks announced the beginning of the construction of a new society, fundamentally different from the previous one. An important part that accumulated in itself the whole spiritual life of a socialist society was the emergence of a new culture, the fundamental difference of which was that it was based on materialist Marxist philosophy. In Ukraine, the best-performing power units in the realm of culture were farms and city clubs. At clubs, there were cells of independent public formations. The organization of «Friends of Radio» and «Friends of the Soviet Cinema» became a widespread development in the working environment. Political and educational institutions were leaders of the class policy of the Bolshevik elite. Their condition depended on material security, which remained weak. Another weakness in the activity of political and cultural institutions was the shortage of personnel.
Originally, peasant homes were opened in the capital and other Ukrainian cities to become shelters for peasants who came to their affairs. Subsequently, it was decided to create a reference office with them, as well as provide legal aid to the peasants. The results of the activities of the peasant homes have shown that their value far more than hotels and reference offices. The functions of farm farms have expanded, and their staff has attracted various specialists who have become the basis of political and agricultural propaganda. Thanks to the state support, the farms consolidated themselves in the countryside and concentrated all cultural and educational activities around them. They not only focused on reading libraries, libraries, museums, choruses, kindergartens, but also became the only center of cultural work. An important place in the work of agricultural enterprises was the popularization and introduction of people’s new life, in particular new revolutionary, industrial and domestic holidays. If agricultural and art groups were deploying their activities «as needed», then political ones were mandatory. They were organized with the consent of the KP(b)U cell and worked under his direct leadership. The most common form of agropropaganda were circles and courses at farmhouses and reading-house huts, run by agronomists or experienced peasants.
Keywords public association, political and educational institution, «selbud», club, Ukraine References
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