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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 4
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.4 4 Works and memoirs of the First World War contemporaries as a source for the study of the financial policy of the Russian occupation regime in Galicia and Bukovinia full article
Pages: 80-97 Summary While studying the problem of the financial policy of the Russian government in the occupied territories of Galicia and Bukovina during the First World War, we considered the fact that this issue has not been studied in details. Our article discloses the analysis of the works and memoirs of the contemporaries of the Great War. Particularly we covered the activities of the Russian occupation regime in Galicia and Bukovina. In order to understand a complex of problems of the Russian government in the field of public finances including the problems of the war time, we used the works in which we considered not only the problems of the occupied territories of Western Ukraine, but the Russian Empire in general, since the implementation of the occupation policy was mainly a continuation the general imperial policy.
The results of our study show that the problems of the financial policy of the Russian government during the First World War were reflected in scientific and journalistic works of contemporaries of that time. Certainly, most of the publications disclose problems of general imperial character. However, in the memoir literature, the authors, at least casually mention various aspects of the financial policy of the Russian occupation regime in Galicia and Bukovina during the Great War. In general, the works and memoirs of contemporaries of the First World War give researchers a certain understanding of the processes in the field of public finances that took place in those years, both in the Russian Empire and in the occupied territories of Western Ukraine.
Keywords the First World War, the Russian Empire, Galicia, Bukovina, Russian occupation, financial policy, public finances, money, scientific heritage, memoirs References
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