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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 3
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.3 3 Ukraine after the orange revolution 2005–2010: purposes, unrealized ideas-strategies in ethnic and national policy full article
Pages: 47-79 Summary This article reveals the peculiarities of ethnopolitical processes in Ukraine at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The peculiarities of legislative regulation of protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine are highlighted. The process of change and improvement of the legislative base on the national minorities of Ukraine in 2005–2010, after the Orange Revolution, in the conditions of socio-economic changes, political crises, formation – ideas, strategies of national development, normative and legal principles of interethnic relations was explored.
It was determined that the main legal documents, which were to be approved at the legislative level, are the Concept of the State Ethnic Policy, a new version of the Law of Ukraine «On National Minorities» and the draft «Strategy of the State Ethnic Policy». These documents should lay the foundation for the further development of statehood and the protection of national minorities, based on a public consensus and rely on the support of civic organizations in order to preserve peace in Ukraine. It has been determined that the ethno-national and ethno-national policy of 2005–2010 had some regional peculiarities. The most acute linguistic-cultural problem arose in the southeast of the country and the Crimea.
Through 2005–2010, thanks to the state support of civic organizations of national minorities, it was possible to modernize the ethno-cultural process in Ukraine. This contributed to the quantitative growth of civic organizations of national minorities.
After the Orange Revolution, pro-Russian forces, whose leaders did not accept the program by Victor Yushchenko, and were not ready to cooperate with him. This caused a number of problems in the state.
During 2005–2010, radical Hungarian organizations, whose activities contradicted Ukrainian legislation, intensified.
Attempts to revive regional separatism in Transcarpathia during 2005–2010 were unsuccessful because of the lack of a social base for political Rusynism, conflicts in the middle of Rusyn movements, and the rejection of public opinion in the region.
Odessa also became one of the regions where ethnic minorities took a very active part in public life. The national diversity of the region and the compact housing of some minorities during the Orange Revolution led to the formation of a powerful foundation for separatism, which was fed up with the submission of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the absence of a strategy for ethno-national policy, the concept of language policy, inability and indecision to modernize legislation regarding national minorities became one of the reasons for the loss of Victor Yuschenko his position as the President of Ukraine.
Keywords national minorities, national-cultural societies, ethnopolitical processes, legislative base, laws of Ukraine, authorities, deported peoples, national accord References
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