The article deals with the financial aspect of the state of medical care to the population of Kherson province in the pre-zemstvo period. There are considered issues of economics of the system of medical care in the organization of zemstvos and analyzed the financial foundations of becoming a provincial community of rural medicine. In the course of the research, the following main tasks were solved: the state of care of the population (on the example of the economy of the medical care system) was characterized in the Kherson province in the pre-zemstvo period; the features of funding of rural medicine that was created in the province, are disclosed; the dynamics of financing of medical affairs in the province for 15 years of formation and establishment of rural medicine are shown. It is determined that the greatest expenses of zemstvo for the first 15 years of formation of rural medicine were the constant expenses for the maintenance of charity institutions in Kherson and one-time funds for the repairs and placement of new premises. Slightly lower were the costs of helping the county zemstvo to maintain county medicine. Since 1870 there were expenses for the struggle in the province with epidemics and the repair of existing and the construction of new hospitals in the counties. In general, the cost of health care in the Kherson province in 1875–1879 against costs in 1865–1869 increased in 2.8 times. The article concludes that the medical assistance to the population of the Kherson province in the zemstvo period, despite the existence of several medical institutions here in several departments, was unsatisfactory due to constant lack of financing. The government of zemstvo after its creation did not agree with this state of affairs. From the first years of the provincial and district zemstvos began to create a system of rural medicine, with each passing year, allocating more and more money to this business. In 15 years of the formation and establishment of rural medicine in the Kherson province, financing of the medical and sanitary affairs was carried out in various directions and reached considerable sums, later placing zemstvo medicine in the Kherson province in the rank of the most advanced in the Russian Empire.
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