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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 1
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.1 1 Literary-publicistic biographica of Petro Stebnytskyi as a constituent of his national identification discussions full article
Pages: 1-36 Summary The paper describes the contribution of a Ukrainian book publisher, publicist, writer, statesman Petro Stebnytskyi in developing such a genre as a biographica. The author analyzes his literary-publicistic works devoted to figures.
The problem-chronological, comparative-historical and descriptive methods of research as well as the biographical method, content analysis and source-criticism have been used in the article.
The author considers the literary-publicistic biographica of Petro Stebnytskyi as an instrument of self-reflection of the choice of national and ideological identity. It is known that the publicist himself evolved from «Little Russian» to an autonomist-federalist, and later – «self-sufficient».
It was established that Petro Stebnytskyi did not engage biographistica in the academic meaning and therefore he did not write any scientific or popular scientific (intellectual) biography. The analysis has shown that he mainly studied literary-publicistic biographies and biographical fiction. Among the existing genres of biographistica in his works were found biographical and problem-biographical essays, necrologues, as well as memoirs, materials to the biography, reviews.
It is shown that the publicist was interested by the life and creative of Ukrainian political and public figures, writers, publishers. This work was published in articles, necrologues and memoirs or remained in manuscripts. The nature of the works are informative-popular, full of own emotional characteristics, idealization or criticism of a personality. His biographical essays often showed civic, political or literary preferences of personages. The subject of the description was intellectual, creative activities, struggle, asceticism, enlightenment historical events of the period. First of all, the purpose of these essays is to popularize the knowledge about Ukrainian spiritual and political leaders.
Petro Stebnytskyi described many figures among whom were M. Drahomanov, P. Kulish, I. Kotliarevskyi, B. Hrinchenko, D. Mordovets, M. Kovalevskyi, F. Vovk, V. Domanytskyi, O. Rusova, A. Svydnytskyi, O. Storozhenko, Yu. Slovatskyi and others. It has been found that among the works of Petro Stebnytskyi were the problem-biographical (analytical) essays devoted only to the figures of M. Drahomanov and P. Kulish. Besides that, scientists argue that in the processes of national and political self-identification for representatives of the Ukrainian elite at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries exactly M. Drahomanov was a significant figure, a reference person that significantly influenced on the formation of identity, and for Petro Stebnytskyi he even was the image of the hero.
The author argues that a peculiar criterion of Petro Stebnytskyi’s appeal to the figures of Ukrainian history or literature became extend of the usefulness which any figure sought to make for Ukraine forming thus public consciousness and defending the national interests of Ukrainians.
Keywords Petro Stebnytskyi, literary-publicistic biographica, biographical fiction, biographical essays, necrologues, memoirs, national identity References
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