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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 17
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.17 17 Yevgen Porfirovich Arhipenko (1884–1959) – founder of the Ukrainian periodical on beekeeping full article
Pages: 256-269 Summary In the article the historiographical survey and the analysis of the sources, which state the significant scientific achievements of E. P. Archipenko as the founder of Ukrainian periodicals on beekeeping were made and their role in contemporary Ukrainian historiography was determined. The urgency of the article is the desire to draw attention to the author – the publisher of the Ukrainian periodicals on beekeeping, the patron of Ukrainian culture and the part of the unexplored material, which need returned to the scientific circulation and the history of formation for publishing in Ukraine.
The isolated source base on this issue indicates the absence of a comprehensive historical study of the activity and forming the qualities of E.P. Archipenko, where all aspects of the research would consider in a territorial and chronological context. It led to the choice of the topic and the main research aspects of the article. The reconstruction of his life and creative path, namely, the establishment of Ukrainian periodicals on beekeeping and its role in modern Ukrainian historiography were carried out. It was found out that the beginning of publishing production dates back to 1906, when E. Archipenko as a student for his own money issued a specialized illustrated magazine «Ukrainian beekeeping». This process actively deployed through a number of Ukrainian-language publications, in particular, the illustrated «Relya», «Ukrainian beekeeping», and «Village Peace» magazine, devoted to all sectors of the economy and rural life. Publishing of magazine «Peasant of Ukraine» started before his death. For the preparation of the peasantry for a more productive work in agriculture and co-operation, a significant number of scientific works by Yevhen Porfirovich became significant. The most significant of them are: «Stalin’s hive of Dalan», three editions «Beekeeper’s diary», «Ukrainian beehive frame», «Beekeeper's dictionary», «Ukrainian beacon beehive», etc. During his emigration, Archipenko was engaged in heraldry and published the Ukrainian historical and scientific magazine «Reed and Znamenno». He has collaborated with Ukrainian scholars, corresponded with prominent personalities, kept scientific works and manuscripts on various branches of agriculture, mainly beekeeping, pursuing the sole goal: in a word, to study the print, to disseminate opinion among the «most recent Ukrainians» regarding the historical appointment of Ukraine.
Keywords journal, editor, column, beekeeping, scientist, archive, library, history, figure References
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