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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 15
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.15 15 The formation of personality of Professor Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov (1902–1980) full article
Pages: 232-244 Summary It is set that in the second half of XVIII of century agronomical science was enriched by works in relation to effective development and introduction of elements of organic agriculture, that began leading at that time scientists: A. T. Bolotov, A. M. Komov, M. H. Livanov and other. They worked out the row of prominent scientific ideas on application of effective natural measures, that provided the decision of problem of increase of level of fertility of soil, productivity of agricultural cultures and quality of agricultural produce.
Certainly, that a talented scientist is in industry of agriculture, a professor Mykhailo Heorhiiovych Livanov (1751–1800) occupies the honoured place among the founders of home organic agriculture. A scientist divided agriculture of theoretical and practical direction first, worked out effective crop rotations for the field and forage cultures. Gave a large value to growing of leguminous cultures in crop rotations: bobs, to the peas, field pea. He considered that leguminous cultures were the best predecessors for a wheat, rye, barley and other grain-crops. Gave an important value to till of long-term herbares are paps (white, yellow, red). Except a pus, for the fertilizer of sowing of long-term herbares he suggested to use to the wattle-fence. Spared much attention to the green crops and especially organizations of artificial meadows, that he recommended to fertilize, as well as natural.
Among actual scientific developments of М. H. Livanov in organic agriculture it is marked: determination of negative influence of growing of monoculture on a harvest and properties of soil; leading to of effect from introduction of variable garden-stuffs crop rotations and especially positive influence of leguminous cultures as the best predecessors for grain-crops; a scientific ground of till of long-term herbares is in crop rotations; leading to of efficiency of bringing of different types of organic fertilizers; scientific ground and development of practical recommendations of without ploughs till of soil and others like that.
Keywords L.I. Rubtsov, Forestry Academy, the beginning of scientific activities, the Sukhum branch of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry References
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