This article analyses the research and organisational projects of the graduate of the Kiev University, geobotanist and florist Vladimir Nikolaevich Khitrovo (1878–1949). The paper focuses, in particular, on a historically important but relatively little studied period of Khitrovo’s scientific activity, connected with the Muratovo botanical baza (station) created by him in 1901 at his family estate in the Orel province. We explore the motivations behind Khitrovo’s decision to set up a private experimental institution, such as the similar experience of his university professor, S.G. Navashin, as well as Khitrovo’s thesis work, which demanded a meticulous geobotanical examination of the Orel province region. In the paper, we discuss the main directions of the scientific research at the Muratovo station, such as phytosociology, palaeobotany, floristics, meadow studies, soil science, geology, and nature protection activity - for example, the creation of the Galichya Gora reserve. Among those who worked at the Muratovo station, we have found young researchers and colleagues of Khitrovo, G.A. Levitsky, N.P. Chervinsky, et al., as well as prominent professors, such as A.F. Flerov, V.V. Alekhin, and others. The paper examines the activities of the Society for the Studies of the Nature of the Orel province, which was established in 1905 on the initiative of V.N. Khitrovo. The history of the Muratovo station in the pre-war and the WWI periods, as well as its post-revolutionary reorganisation into the Department of Botany of the Shatilov Agricultural Experimental Station, are analysed in detail. Special attention is paid to the interrelation of researches on the clover carried out by V.N. Khitrovo and the famous plant breeder P.I. Lisitsyn, who worked at the Shatilov station. We briefly trace the fate of V.N. Khitrovo after his false indictment and exile to Siberia in the early 1930s. The paper leads to the conclusion that experimental institutions of the applied botany could exist under the private patronage no less effectively than under the state aegis.
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