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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 9
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.9 9 Professor A. Skorokhodko (1883–1954) – developer of theoretical and methodological basis of domestic zoohygiene (to the 135th anniversary of his birthday) full article
Pages: 134-151 Summary The author has proved that A. K. Skorohodko made a significant contribution to the development of domestic zoo-hygienic science of the first half of the ХХth century as a well-known scientist in the branch of agricultural animal hygiene, the developer of its science and methodological foundations, the organizer of sectoral research and scientific-educational institutions. The main milestones of the life and creative path of the Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor A. Skorohodko were highlighted. The scientist's contribution to the formation of the system of higher branch education, organization of research in the livestock sector of the Ukrainian SSR of the first half of the 20th century was justified.
The main components of his scientific work: physiological and hygienic rules for raising young animals; hygienic feed evaluation; studying the influence of environmental factors on the physiological state and reactivity of the organism; care hygiene; heat control and heat exchange in farm animals under different maintenance conditions, etc. A. Skorohodko is the founder of the first Ukrainian Zoo-Hygienic laboratory in the Kyiv Experimental Animal Breeding Station «Terezine». He has made efforts to organize the first on the Ukrainian lands of the Department of Zoo-Hygienic of the Kiev Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute, the establishment of animal hygiene departments of the Vologda Veterinary, Vologda Agricultural, Kharkiv Zootechnical and Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institutes.
It is proved that some components of the scientific heritage of A. Skorohodko, in particular, the «cold» method of growing young animals, use of non-traditional food additives, should be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for the development of further directions for the development of zoo-hygiene science in Ukraine.
The research is based on the use of general scientific complex, structural and functional and historical methods.
Keywords animal husbandry, zoo-hygiene, veterinary medicine, farm animals, feeding, keeping References
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