The article highlights the contribution of individual Soviet scientists in the development of agriculture as a science and agriculture in the middle of the nineteenth – early twentieth century. In particular examines the works of eminent scholars А. Bolotov, D. Mendeleev, A. Sovietov, V. Dokuchaev, P. Kostychev, M. Sibirtsev, D. Pryanishnikov, M. Tulaykov, V. Williams, A. Zaykevych, A. Ismailsky, B. Rozhestvensky, А. Sokolovsky, A. Dushechkin. The basic trends in research affairs 90s of XIX – early XX century in the art of agriculture. It is noted that the contemporary structures of agrarian direction – research fields and agricultural societies – have made a great contribution to the development of a research case on agriculture, the most famous of which are Poltava, Kherson and Odessa experimental fields; Poltava, Kiev, Kharkiv Agricultural Societies.
agronomy, industry, agriculture, chemicals, manufacturing, research station, soil fertility, yield crops
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