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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 3
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.3 3 Normative and legal basis of ethno-national policy in Ukraine at the beginning of xxi century: search of consensus, assumptions, mistakes full article
Pages: 27-54 Summary This article reveals the peculiarities of ethnopolitical processes in Ukraine at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The peculiarities of legislative regulation of protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine are highlighted. The process of change and improvement of the legislative base on the national minorities of Ukraine in the early 2000’s was investigated.
It was determined that the legislative provision of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine was based on national, international and regional legal documents adopted mostly in the 1990’s. The diversity of nationalities in the territories Ukraine and the conflict situations during the 1990s, generated by the transition period, the change in the political system, the socio-economic crisis, forced the Ukrainian authorities to resort to the methods of the states regulation of ethno-political relations. Among them – the formation of a regulatory and legal framework, which established the right to self-identification for each national minority. In the early 2000’s, guided by the basic provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, which define the right to self-determination, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a number of legislative initiatives that defined the legal status of representatives of national minorities in Ukraine, declared the equality of citizens’ rights, regardless of nationality, laying the foundations for implementation civilized standards for the observance of the rights of national minorities. The existing legal and regulatory framework of the 1990s did not entirely ensure the implementation of public requests for the development of the national-cultural identity of national minorities in Ukraine.
In the early 2000’s, the legislation that was supposed to regulate interethnic relations required significant improvement, as evidenced by the recommendations of international organizations. The existing legal framework to a certain extent provided for the implementation of public requests for the development of national-cultural identity, guaranteed the unhindered return of returnees and their restoration of rights and, at the same time, became the basis for supporting anti-Ukrainian ideas from the side of other countries, which were manifested in attempts to break the territorial integrity. Ukraine In this connection, further modernization of the legislation on national minorities was to be continued at the beginning of the XXI century. At the same time, the half-heartedness and delay in solving the urgent problems in the sphere of national relations created an ethnopolitical bridgehead for the interference of foreign countries in Ukraine’s domestic political affairs, and first of all, for Russian aggression in order to stop its European progress.
Keywords national minorities, national-cultural societies, ethnopolitical processes, legislative base, laws of Ukraine, authorities, deported peoples, national accord References
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