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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 2
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.2 2 The process of harvesting and exporting fruits and vegetables from the territory of the Yagotinsky district to Germany during the German-fascist occupation (1941–1943) full article
Pages: 15-26 Summary The purpose of the work is to study the process of harvesting and export from the territory of the Yagotyn rayon of the products of a garden and gardens during the period of the German-fascist occupation of 1941–1943. This historical research is based on the analysis of the Ukrainian press of the mentioned period and other sources. The process of harvesting and export of products is analyzed, as well as data on the general state of the economy of the district during the specified period.
The results of the study indicate that a number of economic organizations, subject to the Reichsministery of occupied eastern regions were created for the supply of agricultural products. Their activities were aimed at systematic and organized withdrawal of agricultural products throughout the occupied territory of Ukraine. The seizure of products, including gardens and saddles, was carried out through the points of harvesting located in former collective farms, state farms, and district consumer associations.
In the course of the study conducted on the example of the occupied territory of the Yagotyn rayon, it was proved that it was precisely because of the established rigid system of indiscriminate robbery of agriculture, as well as the forced surrender and exportation and seizure of products, occupiers managed to collect and continuously plan supplies of the garden and gardens, first of all to Germany and for the front parts of the Wehrmacht. Their agrarian policy from the beginning to the end of occupation was characterized by large-scale, unvaccinated robbery. Instead, the needs of the local population were considered secondary, causing a sharp shortage of products in the region. The task of the occupation authorities was to restore the stable functioning of the agrarian sector of the economy of the Reichscommissariat «Ukraine» as one of the most important factors for the uninterrupted supply of agricultural products by Germany.
Keywords fruit, vegetables, Yagotin district, occupation References
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