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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 1
All numbers / 2018 No.1 / Article No.1 1 Garabagh region of Azerbaijan in 1986–1990 full article
Pages: 1-14 Summary The opportunity for «reestablishment» and «publicity» gave impetus for the development of the democratic movement in Azerbaijan. Guarding against the forthcoming strength of Turkic World, the Soviet government flamed a conflict in Nagorny Karabakh Autonomous Region of Azerbaijan.
The history of the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan in 1986–1990 is extremely difficult, contradictory, and also a significant stage in the history of the fatherland, the study of which is of exceptional importance for the Fatherland historical science. For precisely at that stage the Soviet empire began to lag behind the advanced states of the world in all spheres of life, the process of internal rotting and the fall of the prestige of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was significantly accelerated, reforms that had been initiated since the mid-1980s, were implemented through coarse, ineffective methods in various spheres of the life of the empire, especially in the field of national policy, serious mistakes were made, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, the imperial center fomented aggressive Armenian separatism, to broaden the focus of the national conflict, the discontent of the «Soviet» peoples with the policy of the center was growing, the democratic movement grew, all these tendencies and events brought the collapse of the USSR closer. On October 18, 1991, the Constitutional Act on State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan was formally adopted. A new stage in the history of Azerbaijan began, the Azerbaijani people received a historic chance to create and strengthen their independence.
Keywords Azerbaijan, Karabakh, conflict, region, policy, occupation, dashnaksutyun, terror, genocide References
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