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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 15
All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.15 15 Contribution of scientific school under management Academician P.G. Bogach in development of physiology of digestion as science full article
Pages: 333-346 Summary The scientist has created a fundamental school in Ukraine in the field of digestive physiology, central regulation of autonomic functions and biophysics of muscle contraction, the representatives of this school are highly qualified specialists in biophysics. Analysis of scientific achievements P.G. Bogach, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physiology, Biochemistry and Theoretical Medicine of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, testifies that he is the author of many theoretical developments and has significant achievements in the study of questions of digestion, central regulation of vegetative functions and biophysics of muscular contraction.
The analysis of recent researches and publications testifies to the lack of coverage of the problem of generalization and analysis of the scientific contribution to the development of the physiology of digestion as a school science academician P.G. Bogach The purpose and objectives of this study are to highlight the main directions of the activity of the scientific school on digestion physiology, to analyze and synthesize materials on the research of the scientific school under the guidance of P.G. Bogach in the development of physiology of digestion as a science. This will enable to properly evaluate the significant contribution of this school to the development of physiology of digestion as a science. This work is devoted to the study of academic activities.
Keywords scientific school, digestion, physiology, P.G. Bogach References
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