In the article with the use of statistical data of UNCTAD and FAO the change in the volume of GDP in general and per capita, the dynamics of export and import of goods in particular agricultural products, the balance of trade in agrarian products, its value at the output from the farm, labor productivity in the cultivation of cereals and legume cultures by continents and regions. Dynamic development of the economy of the planet’s regions is shown with emphasis on the fact the greatest contribution was made by the countries of the Asian continent – more than 17,6 trillion dollars USA, or 42,5% of the world’s GDP growth (+41,4 trillion dollars USA). It was stressed that this ensured multiple GDP growth per capita in all regions of the world with fall of the magnitude of this indicator in the «Developed Asia» region, which represented by Japan and Israel. The gap in the gap between the GDP of the region «East Asia» determined in comparison with the region of «Developed America» from 12 up to 5,1 trillion dollars USA with an increase in the gap this region with the region «Developed Asia» from 9,6 up to 14,1 trillion dollars USA.
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