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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 11
All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.11 11 Becoming and development of scientific bases of the use of siderations of cultures in organic agriculture of Ukraine (the second half of ХІХ –beginning of ХХІ centuries) full article
Pages: 275-295 Summary It is set that among agrotechnical measures that provide the optimal terms of height and development of agricultural cultures in organic agriculture, growing of siderations cultures on a green fertilizer has an important value. The value of growing of siderations cultures is reasonable for the fertility-improving of soil and productivity of agricultural cultures.
It is discovered that green fertilizers are fresh green mass of plants, that is wrapped up in soil mainly in place of their growing for enriching of him on an organic substance, nitrogen, and also for the improvement of the water, air and thermal modes. Payment of scientists-agrarians and practical workers is certain in becoming and development of scientific bases of the use of siderations cultures in organic agriculture of Ukraine in the second half of ХІХ – at the beginning ХХІ of centuries.
Keywords becoming, development, scientific bases, siderations cultures, green fertilizers, organic agriculture References
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