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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 10
All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.10 10 The role of the scientists of the Physics and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures in the preparation of scientific, technical and engineering staff in the 1960–1990s full article
Pages: 260-274 Summary The scientific connections, which were supported by scientists of the Physics and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures with Kharkov`s institutes in the 1960–1990s, is analyzed. Fruitful cooperation facilitated the opening of new faculties and departments in higher educational institutions of Kharkov, is shown.
Attention is accented on the number scholars of Physics and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures who combined research activities at the institute with teaching staff at higher educational institutions of Kharkiv (KhNU, KhPI, KhAI, etc.) and provided significant support in the preparation of special lectures and enrichment of the material and technical base of higher educational institutions. Information is given on the number of students of physical specialties, who made diploma works at the Institute under the guidance of the Institute's scientists and continued the education at the Physics and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures.
On the basic of the introduction to the scientific circulation of archival documents, the work of the postgraduate e study, which worked from the first year of the founding of the Institute of Low temperatures and was the only one that was in Kharkov in the system of the Academy of Sciences, which took simultaneously candidate and doctoral dissertations, is analyzed.
Keywords Physics and technical Institute of Low Temperatures, scientific and technical staff, engineering staff, qualification council References
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