All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.9 |
9 |
Scientific and organizational activity of Academician K.G. Vоbliy in the context of the establishment and development of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences)
full article |
Nichkaluk V.
Pages: |
247-259 |
Summary |
The method of historical and scientific analysis considered the poorly researched page of the creative biography of Konstantin Grigorovich Vobliy (1876 – 1947) – one the founders of sugar beet industry and cooperation, a scientist economic-geographical science, the organizer of branch scientific research. The scientific-organizational activity of a scientist in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (since 1921, the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) has been analyzed. The role of K. G. Vobliy as Vice President of UAS has been determined, it can be argued that he owns effective decisions on scientific and organizational activities: the development of the charter of an academic institution, the holding of meetings of the Presidium of the UAS. The academic contribution of Academician K. G. Vobliy in various structural units of the Academy was also proved: the head of the department of trade and industry of the social and economic department, a member of the board of the Academy from this department, a member of the standing committee for the study of natural resources of Ukraine at the department of physics and mathematics, the director of the institute on the study of economic conditions and national economy of Ukraine, chairman of the Presidium of the society of economists. It was found out that the scientist includes research on the problems of economy, the development of industry in Poland and Ukraine.
Keywords |
K. G. Vobliy, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, economics, socio-economic department, commission, institute
References |
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