The article is an attempt to analyze the role of museums of the history of higher educational establishments as illustrators of their formation and development. The empirical base of research is the material accumulated during 2013–2017, mainly by interviewing the staff of such museums. The author notes that, despite the overall unifying name, the museums of this group differs significantly in formal and substantive terms. This fact is mostly caused by the perceptions about the museum in the eyes of the authorities of HEE. They belong not to the educational and research collections, beginnings of the history of museum affairs in higher schools, but to collections of so-called «second generation». The main purpose of ones was presenting the university history and the science, via equipment, which was used in the research process actively in the past, but ceased to fully or partially performing its function. Such units make up ¼ networks of museums of HEE of Western Ukraine. They make a separate contribution to the presentation of history of science and technology in view of the absence of museums of the such category in the region. It also makes a separate contribution to the presentation of this site of the past mankind.
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