In the article scientific works on development of theoretical and methodological principles of poultry farming of well-known scientist in the field of zootechny, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician of Lenin All-Union Academy of agricultural science Mykhailo Fedorovych Ivanov (1871–1935) are generalized. His priority in development of classification of breeds of chickens, which did not lose the actuality at the present time is proved. This article presents the creative research of scientist on systematization of special features of poultry, development of the methodology on creation of new breeds, introduction of nutritional standards for feeding of farm animals. His contribution to generation of domestic higher agricultural education is substantiated. There is evidence that М.F. Ivanov introduced the discipline «Poultry farming» and prepared one of the first textbooks «Agricultural poultry farming» for first time ever in the Russian Empire.
M.F. Ivanov, poultry farming, poultry, chickens, breed, breed classification, exteriors, breeding, feeding
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