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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 6
All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.6 6 Becoming and development of scientifically-technological processes of car production in a Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (the second half of ХХ – beginning of ХХІ centuries) full article
Pages: 80-118 Summary It is set that for today in Ukraine effective preparation of specialists is adjusted in industry of motor industry through the system of higher educational establishments. Among them a main place belongs to the Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University – higher educational establishment of level-four of accreditation, that carries out preparation and retraining of highly skilled specialists in industry of motor industry.
The historical features of development of scientifically-technological processes of car production are certain in the Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University in the second half of ХХ – at the beginning ХХІ of centuries. It is found out, that actuality of analysis of evolution of scientifically-technological processes of car production in the Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University will provide drawing on the most substantial accomplishments of the past for effective innovative activity in home motor industry on a prospect.
It is set that introduction of scientifically-technological processes and front-rank technologies and technical improvements worked out in the Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University provided a reliable, powerful and comfortable car production on the motor industry enterprises of Ukraine.
Keywords becoming, development, scientifically-technological processes, car, motor industry production, Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University References
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