The author’s article focuses on the main trends in the development of agricultural science within the period of 1935–1940. By using the source-study and archivistics methods the article explored scientific achievements in various fields of agriculture, including the crop production, animal production, mechanization etc. In particular, the article considers the development of research scientific work in the kolkhoz within the research time framework. It has been proved that the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR became the main coordinating center for the development of agricultural science in the above period. It has been explored that the main task for the research institutions of the agricultural sector was the improvement of crops yield and agricultural productivity. This was implemented by: struggle with drought in the steppes, prevention of loss of winter crops; achievement of high and sustainable harvests of crops, sugar beets, cotton and hemps; use of effective pesticides and measures against plant diseases; introduction of new and efficient use of the existing techniques in agriculture; improvement of breeds and productivity of livestock.
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