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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 4
All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.4 4 Manifestations of domestic bribery and ways to counteract it in the village of Right-Bank Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries full article
Pages: 45-60 Summary On the basis of a representative range of sources, an array of literature, changes in the manifestations of domestic bribery and the preconditions for corrupt acts of the peasantry in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries were considered. Scientific literature, which includes problems of social relations, only partially addresses the problem of abuse of bureaucracy, as well as manifestations of forms of violations by citizens, etc. The importance of the above problem is predetermined, first and foremost, by the need to have a clear idea of the socio-economic realities of Ukrainian society. It was found that after 1861 in the Russian Ukraine a number of new economic, political, social preconditions for the spread of corruption abuses were created, as well as new, more qualitative means of combating bribery were discovered. The factor of continuity and perspective in the development of the social sphere of Ukrainian society was taken into account. Considerable attention is paid to the clarification of historical factors, landslides in orientation and evaluative judgments of the social strata.
For the first time in the historiography, based on specific methodological tools, the influence of different peasant groups has been analyzed which contributed to the spread of corruption abuses, as well as ways of developing a market environment.
Keywords official, bribery, embezzlement References
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