All numbers / 2017 No.4 / Article No.2 |
2 |
Professor L.D. Proskuryakov (1858–1926): notes to the intellectual biography studies
full article |
Salata H.
Pages: |
11-23 |
Summary |
The article theoretically conceptualized certain approaches to outlining a biographical study of the eminent engineer and bridge constructor L.D. Proskuryakov. Reconstruction of personal life, the fate of individual human in particular, Proskuryakov’s life and work, the study of the formation and development of his inner world is regarded as the main purpose of the study and as an adequate means of knowledge of the historical society in which he lived and worked. It was found that the study of Proskuryakov’s biography within the historical-cultural context gives an opportunity to reconstruct critical problems in the history of science and technology: evolution of ideas of domestic bridge building; transformation of the ideas of reconstruction of railway transport of the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords |
L.D. Proskuryakov, engineer, construction mechanics, railway bridge, scientific school, history of science and technology, biography, science, biographical reconstruction, historiography
References |
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