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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 1

1 The contribution of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine (1918–1927) in the scientific and organizational support of the agrarian science development full article
Hryshchenko T.
Pages: 1-10

The historical research is about the role and place of the predecessor of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine – Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine (1918–1927) in the scientific and organizational support of the development of the domestic agrarian science and experimental case. The author carried out the historical exploration using general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, classification and historical methods: historical research, problem-chronological, comparative-historical, periodization and retrospective. She observed the evolutionary way of the Committee’s activity and paid attention on the main achievements in different directions. The significant role had its international and publishing activities. An important place in the deeds of the NAAS successor allotted the successfully organized high-level scientific and methodical work of its regional offices. The Network of Correspondents of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine played an essential role in the formation and development of the national economy of Ukraine in the 20's the last century. It is encouraging to note that the Ukrainian National Memory Institute confirmed the results of our historical exploration on the date of NAAS establishment. This decision described the noteworthy contribution of the Committee to the development of agrarian science and research case in the defined period.

Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, National Scientific Agricultural Library, Institute of the History of Agrarian Science, Education and Techniques, agricultural science, research case, support, contribution
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© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2017