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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 3
Article No. 18
All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.18 18 L.S. Lebedyanskyi: the last years of life and legacy of remarkable locomotive designer full article
Pages: 285-296 Summary In the article the attempts to discover the life of the designer L.S. Lebedyanskyi are made. While the former major designer of Kolomenskyi plant is widely known due to his projects, such as steam locomotive «L» or diesel locomotive TEP60, the facts from his life are staying mostly unknown. So, the major goal of this article is to find information related more to the life of L.S. Lebedyanskyi focusing on the last years of his work on Kolomenskyi plant, his life after retirement and his legacy.
The article reviews shortly the decisions of L.S. Lebedyanskyi from the 1955 up to 1963. However, the main focus is made on the importance of projects for L.S. Lebedyanskyi and explanation why he was so persistent while trying to save the gas turbine locomotive development program. In addition, the article observes the possible reasons for major designer’s retirement. Talking about L.S. Lebedyanskyi’s legacy, the article reviews his greatest projects. Among the projects that are mentioned in the article, there are the following: steam locomotive «L», steam locomotive P36, diesel locomotive TEP60, and gas turbine locomotive G1-01. Furthermore, the article also focuses on the most known followers of the former major designer of Kolomenskyi plant.
So, using the periodical of Kolomna town and resources provided via Kolomenskyi plant the information about the life and legacy of L.S. Lebedyanskyi is gathered. It becomes obvious, that the former major designer of Kolomenskyi plant influenced on the development of the locomotive industry in general and some of its branches in particular. In addition, he has made a great impact on the future generation of locomotive designers.
Keywords L.S. Lebedyanskyi, designer, locomotive, gas turbine locomotive, Kolomenskyi plant, legacy References
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