The article describes the main heritage of Academician Peter G. Bogach – well-known specialist of twentieth St. in physiology of digestion and of hypothalamic mechanisms of regulation of visceral functions. They created the scientific direction of the study of neurohumoral mechanisms of regulation of motor activity of the digestive system and the role of the hypothalamic area and limbic system of the brain in regulation of vegetative functions. He described a number of previously known motor reflexes of the gastrointestinal tract and created the theory of periodic activities, proposed new versions of the sensors the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, were very common in the mid-twentieth century, the concept of transfer of excitation on different parts of the intestine only on the walls of the digestive tube. Peter G. Bogach opened the main law of the reflex regulation of motor activity of the digestive apparatus, have described a new species of the electrical activity of smooth muscle and developed a series of questions generation of biopotentials. Set the location of the center of water consumption in the hypothalamus, showed that hypothalamic neural structures regulate the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, and absorption of substances by the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The theoretical work of academician Peter G. Bogach closely associated with the practice. A significant portion of them are of direct practical value and implementation in practice of medical institutions. He gave a number of practical recommendations for surgical and therapeutic clinics.
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