On the basis of realization of scientific-historical analysis, critical comprehension and generalization of literary sources for the study of erosion processes, stages of research of antierosion measures are highlighted for solving scientific problems of rational use of land resources in erosion dangerous agro-landscapes of the Western region of the Ukrainian SSR in 1948–1990. Particular attention is paid to the generalization of the main methodological approaches to minimizing the risk of erosion, specifying the development and determination of efficiency introduction of soil protection measures. Generalized experience of the Research institute of agriculture and stock-raising of western regions of Ukraine and row of the agricultural experimental stations. For the terms of the Western region of Ukraine the most acceptable model soil-protective contour land reclamation agricultures are foreseen by the differentiated use of agricultural lands depending on the steepness of slopes, selection and fixing in nature three ecologic-technological groups of soils. Established that systematic introduction at production of the contour land reclamation farming system provided a reduction of 6-10 times the soil flushing during heavy rainfall and intensive snowmelt, a significant increase in the accumulation of moisture and soil fertility and crop yields.
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