The paper deals with the retrospective view on the scientific biography of the naturalist Mykola Ivanovych Havrylenko. It is determined in the paper that his life and start of research activity are closely connected with the conscious choice and personal strivings for. They are the result of integral and conscious attitude to research of nature and comprehension of its regularities. Essential influence on the choice of Havrylenko had researches and personal acquaintance with such naturalists as A.O. Sylantiyev, M.O. Holodkowsky, V.V. Dokuchayev, V.I. Vernadsky, M.O. Olehovsky and others. The author of the paper pays attention to Havrylenko’s student publications which testify the emergence of a talented researcher, zoologist and ornithologist. His studies covered territory of Poltava area with further widening of research territory of birds resettlement. Havrylenko considered in his studies faunistic as well as geographical, ecological and climate dimensions that allowedhim to shape the integral view on birds and their environment.
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