All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.12 |
12 |
M. S. Streleckyi about the possible decisions of a transport crossing of wide reservoirs
full article |
Pidkoshanaia O.
Pages: |
198-213 |
Summary |
Corresponding member of SA of USSR, honoured worker of science and technique of RSFSR, doctor of engineering sciences, professor Mykola Stanislavovich Streleckyi (1885–1967), is a prominent scientist in the field of metallic building constructions, engineer and teacher of soviet period. In a monography the «Draw bridges» (1918) he systematized and classified building of bridges on kinematics charts and first applied in calculations rational graphic methods, and also account of forces of inertia. In 1925–1931 M.S. Streleckyi wrote fundamental «Course of bridges». In this labour expediency of application is examined on highways and in mountain localities of hanging and guy constructions. In 1928 on International congress in Vienna he came forward with a general lecture on the topic of dynamics of bridges under act of the motive loading. In the context of what has been said it is important the approach of M.S. Streleckyi to the problem of general description of possible decisions of a transport crossing of wide gullies. This article is sanctified to illumination of role of crossing of water spaces a submarine tunnel, pitch bridges, raft-bridges, ferriages.
Keywords |
railway bridges, pitch bridges, raft-bridges, ferriages, M.S. Streleckyi
References |
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