The historical aspects of cartography soils of Ukraine in 30 years of the XX-th century is considered in the article of the author. Determines of scientists by soil experts, who made of significant contribution to the development of soilexpert, including cartography of soils in this period. The development of agricultural science in this period, marked by significant achievements from cartography of soils in Ukraine, including composition of a new map of soils of Ukraine in scale 1: 1,000,000, compiling of soil map of cotton sow of URSR on square 5 mln. hectares, by edited G. Makhova, and also consolidated soil-agrochemical map of Polysia and Forest-steppe (sugar-beet zone of URSR) in the scale of 1: 400 000. These large-scale works from composition of soil-agrochemical maps of sow’s zone of beets of URSR characterize a new stage in the development of soil expert, as had practical advices on the use of fertilizers are observed in it. The scientific value of these works increased by the fact, that they were accompanied by researches of the effective from apply of fertilizers on soil specific withdrawal. In the works from cartography of soils take part of famous scientists-soil expert: N. Vernander, G. Gryn’, M. Krupskyi, Ye. Lavrenenko, S. Sobolev, O. Grinchenko, S. Muravlianskyi, O. Sokolovskyi and others.
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