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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 3
Article No. 10
All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.10 10 Contribution of I. Ye. Ovsinskyi (1856–1909) in becoming of organic agriculture on Ukrainian lands full article
Pages: 164-180 Summary Certainly the achievements of scientists-agrarians and practical workers to becoming of organic agriculture in Ukraine. The value of his factors and constituents is reasonable in the fertility-improving of soil and improvement of natural environment. It is set that in the end ХІХ of century I. Ye. Ovsinskyi offered the new system of agriculture, that consisted in application of superficial without shelves till of soil and introduction of the band-string sowing of agricultural cultures in crop rotations with bringing of organic fertilizers.
The value of works of scientist is found out about superficial without shelves till of soil, and also them difficult way of statement to present time. Certainly, that his students and followers continued and developed theoretical, methodological and practical bases of technology of superficial without shelves till of soil. The scientifically reasonable duty of agricultural cultures is complemented by them and improved in crop rotations with bringing of organic fertilizers.
Keywords becoming, development, organic agriculture, superficial without shelves till of soil, I. Ye. Ovsinskyi References
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