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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 3
Article No. 8
All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.8 8 Contribution of Ukrainian scientists in the becoming and development of nitrogen industry in the twentieth century full article
Pages: 129-152 Summary The origin of wide scientific research in the field of chemical technology of bound nitrogen in Ukraine in the 30-90s of the 20th century is highlighted. The role of science and technology in the production of nitrogen-bound products, the progress of the chemical industry, the importance of scientific research for researchers in the development of bound nitrogen technology are analyzed.
The life path and significant contribution to the development of chemical science and technology of well-known representatives of the nitric industry of Ukraine by the scientists I. E. Adadurov, V. I. Atroshchenka, A. N. Tseitlina, V. I. Konvisar, A. Ya. Lobojka, V. M. Kauta, A. S. Savenkova, N. F. Kleshcheva, A. V. Shapki, G. I. Grinya, M. I. Vorozhbian, V. I. Sozontov, V. V. Kazakova and others are considered in detail. Showing, that the scientific contribution of these scientists is little known in Ukraine, since their research and development was of a closed nature and did not fit the publication in open scientific journals and books. Today, after 30-50 years of secrecy, it is possible to return forgotten names and facts to some extent to historical reality, to a wide range of scientists.
Keywords scientists, activity, life path, development, technology, implementation, achievements References
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