The aim of this work is to study scientific-organizational and pedagogical activities of Professor V.F. Nikolaev (1889–1973) at the Uman Agricultural Institute named after O.M. Gorky during the period of 1954–1964. The research is based on the application of general scientific and historical methods, as well as historical analysis. Results of the study show that, it can be argued that in «Uman» period (1954–1964) of the creative activity V.F. Nikolaev showed himself as an experienced teacher (developed guidelines for conducting laboratory and practical classes on anatomy, morphology and systematics of plants, and a summer training practice), organizer of new researches on the introduction and selection of a number of flower and bulbous crops and promoter of Botanical knowledge. V.F. Nikolaev carried out publishing activities, in particular, worked in the editorial boards in preparation for the publication of brochures on the synthesis and commercialization of advanced experience and achievements of science, collections of student scientific works, collections of scientific works of the Institute, student conferences and graduates of the Institute who worked as agronomists in the areas of development of virgin and fallow lands, scientific and technical Bulletin, exhibitions of scientific and educational work), etc.
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