All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.6 |
6 |
Life way and scientific activities of Academician of UAAS G.O. Bogdanova (1930–2009)
full article |
Kashperskyi V.
Pages: |
107-117 |
Summary |
On the basis of historical and scientific analysis of archival materials, the life and creative path of the scientist-animal, teacher, one of the organizers of agricultural research in Ukraine of the 20th century, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Grigory Оlexandrovich Bogdanov was recreated. It is determined that an important role in the scientific growth of the scientist during of his studies in post-postgraduate course at the All-Union Research Institute of Hybridization and Acclimatization of Animals after M. Ivanov played his supervisor candidate of agricultural sciences, A.E. Mokeeev. It is cover the scientific and organizational activities of G.A. Bogdanov in his positions in research institutions and higher educational institutions of the agricultural profile. The scientific achievements in feeding farm animals, ecological monitoring of livestock and biotechnological methods of reproduction of cattle, the scientist enriched agricultural science and contributed to its further development.
Keywords |
animal science, feeding, feed, cattle, agricultural research
References |
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