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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 3
Article No. 4
All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.4 4 Volunteer activity and support of persons of the ATO (2014–2017) by means of art and the Internet network as the composition of Ukrainians military culture full article
Pages: 42-63 Summary The article presents and analyzes materials collected by the author during a field study conducted mostly in the southern region of Ukraine, for which the following methods were used: included observations, interviews and surveys. The purpose of the article is to see the development and emergence in the Ukrainian military culture of a new level of volunteering – military volunteers. The task of the study is to trace the trends in the modern volunteer movement, based on the traditional militaristic culture of Ukrainians, on the basis of the collected materials, own observations and manifestations of the social environment, to study the ways and varieties of military volunteers in Ukraine.
Findings: Assistance to our military, the wounded and families of victims, settlers, orphans and children of war are the main areas of work of volunteers. This made it possible to track trends of appearance and availability of military volunteering as part of military culture of modern Ukraine.
Keywords military volunteer, military culture, religious brotherhood, logistics army References
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