The article analyzes the attitude of academician V. Vernadskyi concerning the development of science during the revolutionary crisis. It is shown that along with conducting research in various fields of science, the scientist paid a lot of attention to the development of the question of the role of science in the progressive development of society. V. Vernadskyi highlighted the fact that the autocratic authorities of the Russian Empire financed science on the residual principle, believing that it was an enrichment of a certain circle of people. It were slightly improved the situation with the coming to power of the Provisional Government, as a result of the February Revolution of 1917. However, the political mistakes of this government did not allow him to stay in power. The situation with the financing of scientific institutions, research activities changed with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. The financing of the activities of a number of scientific institutions in the agrarian sector was supported, and research activities were encouraged to ensure the development of agriculture.
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