All numbers / 2017 No.3 / Article No.2 |
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Evolution of the methodological approaches to regulation of sex in animal husbandry
full article |
Borodai I.
Pages: |
14-28 |
Summary |
The general economic significance of the problem of regulating the sex of farm animals was proved. The genetic, paratypical, hormonal and biotechnological methods of sex regulation in livestock were generalized. It was shown that at the stages of formation of commercial animal husbandry the advantage was given to the application of paratypical methods, namely, the study of the influence of the level of feeding, the age of the parents and the maturity of their sexual gametes, temperature regime, productivity of animals, etc. With the development of natural sciences they began to apply more effective genetic and hormonal methods of sex regulation. At the present stage the advantage is given to the use of biotechnological methods. The contribution of domestic scientists to the problem of regulating the sex of farm animals was substantiated. The research is based on the use of general scientific complex, structural and functional and historical methods.
Keywords |
animal husbandry, farm animals, sex, genetics, biotechnology, hormones
References |
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