All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.15 |
15 |
Encyclopedias in “Fund editions published in the nineteenth century with aglicultural direction” of National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS
full article |
Bondur T.
Pages: |
264-276 |
Summary |
The article analyzes process of creating and typing encyclopedias. Main attention is given the peculiarities of its development in the second half of XIX — early XX century. The prerequisites for the creation of the «Encyclopedic Dictionary» of Brockhaus and Efron and the features of his writing are revealed. One of the most significant features was the stylistics of the material, which simplified the perception of the content of the encyclopedia by users. The history and peculiarities of writing the titanic work of рrofessor S. Bogdanov «Illustrated Agricultural Dictionary», the output of which marked the rapid development of encyclopedic affairs at the end of the XIX century in the territory of Ukraine. The historical aspects of the creation of the «Full encyclopedia of Russian agriculture and the sciences that come into contact with it» are illuminated, the first editor of which was the scientist in the field of forestry, A. Rudzky is the author of many articles in this publication.
Keywords |
encyclopedia, agriculture, publishing, Brockhaus and Efron, S. Bogdanov, A. Rudzky
References |
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