The article rightly concept calendar highlights the history of the first kinds of calendars and analyzed ways of becoming the industry “The Calendar of significant and memorable dates in the history of agricultural research affairs of Ukraine” as component of activity of the Institute of History of Agricultural Science, Education and Technology NSAL NAAS. A systematic analysis of scientific papers showed that the modern calendar has a very long history. Calendar is a periodical, which consistently set out for days, weeks, and months of given year. It is not only «the rhythm of time, but the rhythmic memory of humanity». There are more than twenty types of calendars. Among the first is Greek, the Julian and Gregorian. Argued that at the present stage of the national and cultural revival of Ukraine, acquired special importance to the industry “The Calendar of significant and memorable dates in the history of agricultural research affairs of Ukraine”, which reveals the achievements of scientists against the backdrop of historical events in agriculture, contains information presented in chronological list significant and memorable dates evolutionary path of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
calendar, history, types, scientists, farmers, biographies, bibliographies, research affairs, industry
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