All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.13 |
13 |
Achievements to science studies sector of Institute of History of Agrarian Science, Education and Techniques of NSAL NAAS from development of agrarian business in Ukraine
full article |
Kovalenko N.
Pages: |
219-246 |
Summary |
It is set that main directions of activity to the science studies sector consist in research on the history of the formation of scientific and organizational principles of innovation and investment development of agriculture science and its administration in Ukraine and determination of theoretical and methodological, scientific and organizational bases of launching, formation and development of agricultural research in Ukraine. The scientists are detectedof the history of creating branch higher educational establishments and scientific-research institutions, development of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine as scientific and organizational center of agricultural science. The scientists are establishedthe theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of functioning of branch scientific schools and centers as the historically formed, intellectual systems, and their role in the evolution of agricultural science in Ukraine. The presentedof the achievements of agricultural science and education in Ukraine in the context of its prominent representatives through the preparation of monographs, collections of archival documents and materials, bibliographic directories, references and other scientific publications.
Keywords |
scientific achievements, research workers, science studies sector, institute of history, agrarian science, education and techniques
References |
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