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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 2
Article No. 11

11 Periodization of the Natural History Museology in the context of European History of Natural Sciences full article
Chervonenko O., Kepin D.
Pages: 183-202

The aim of this research is to highlight the history of creation of natural history museums through the prism of development of natural sciences, and to formulate criteria for periodization of the European natural history museology. The history of studying of this issue is discussed, and examples of periodization proposed by different researchers are presented. The object and subject of the natural history museology are determined. It is highlighted that the determination of the periods of natural history museology is closely related to the history of natural sciences. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the first collection materials of natural origin and to their gradual transformation into natural history museums. Such appearance of natural history museums was motivated by cultural and scientific development of the society. The periodization of the European natural history museology is proposed here as well. During studying the creation and development of concepts in museology, the comparative historical and the retrospective methods were used as well.

natural history museology, periodization, Europe, history of collection of the materials of natural origin, natural science
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