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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 2
Article No. 10
All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.10 10 Scientific and research work of the Kiev Agricultural Company crisis through the prism of the commission’s activity in the study of the South-Western country households full article
Pages: 168-182 Summary The article describes the activities of one of the nine sections of the Kiev Society of Agronomy (1909 -1918) - the Commission to study the economy of Southwest region. It was discovered, that the main aim of the Commission was the study of farming areas and farms «potato direction» near Kyiv. This is due to the fact that the potato sector is relatively little known in the specialized literature, while beet farms are represented by dozens of types covered materials.
Based on reports and special works Kiev Agronomy Society, representing the work of the Commission to study the economy of Southwest region, peculiarities of its creation, the work for the importance of scientific study agricultural provinces of the South-West. Traced geographic spread of agronomic research Commission. Specified on the results of agronomic tests, which were carried out within the Commission in Kyiv, Volyn and Podolia.
Keywords Kiev Agronomic company, agronomic research community to study the South-West, alcohol industry References
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