All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.9 |
9 |
Scientific, pedagogical and organizational activity of the outstanding Russian structural mechanics M. Filonenko-Borodzicz (1885–1962)
full article |
Salata H.
Pages: |
151-167 |
Summary |
This paper attempts to outline the main stages of scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities of Mikhail Mitrofanovich Filonenko-Borodzicz(1885-1962) –the famous scientist in the field of mechanics, mathematics, the author of research on strength of materials and theory of elasticity, mechanical strength theory. The author briefly analyzed scientific and educational activities of this famous scientist. The attention to his teaching activities was paid. Scientific biography as well as his bibliography was specified.The article aims at defining key milestones of Filonenko-Borodzicz’s professional activities, aspectualizing and providing brief analyses of his achievements as scholar and teacher. The methodological background of the study is the general principle of objectivity and historicism, which provides objective analysis on the basis of scientific and critical study of various sources. The author concludes that scientific and pedagogical heritage of the scientist has not been accurately studied, emphasizes asymmetry of available information and historiographical sources and the need for athorough research on the topic.
Keywords |
Mikhail Mitrofanovich Filonenko-Borodzicz, structural mechanics, theory of elasticity, mechanics of materials, Lavr Dmitrievich Proskuryakov, scientific and pedagogical activity, railway engineer, bridge construction, science, technology, history of science and technology
References |
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