Historical research devoted to studying the constitutive experience of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine as a scientific and methodological coordination cell of agrarian science and research case in the twenties of the last century for the organization of its offices in the regions. The main focus is on coordinating the activities of the first branch – Vinnytsia (Podolsk), established in June 1920. The author disclosed the preconditions of forming regional office and its tasks and indicated on the role and place of the correspondents’ network of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, in particular Podolsk contributors. We characterized the main activities and scientific achievements of the local office. Acquired first positive experience of the Committee in the organization coordinating research activities in the periphery provoked the emergence of other local branches, covering almost the entire territory of Ukraine. The author carried out herhistorical exploration using general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, classification and historical methods: historical research, problem-chronological, comparative-historical, periodization and retrospective.
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