This article presents the socio-economic and political pre-conditions of transferring of the poultry farming into development on the industrial basis in Ukraine, namely over a period of 1953-1964. It was analysed in research the dynamics of population and number of inhabitants in the cities and in a rural area in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the level of public catering of families of workers and collective farmers (by the example of consumption of eggs and meat), generalization of data in relation to the production of products of the poultry farming in the republic, description of national economy development, dynamics of capital investments in agricultural industry, representation of achievements of progressive poultry state farms and collective farms, presentation of Decrees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR in relation to the production of eggs and poultry meat. This question is explained on the basis of use of legislative materials, statistical data from reference books, articles from magazines and collections of scientific papers.
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