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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 2
Article No. 6

6 Place and role of published documents and materials in the investigation of the issues “Ukrainians during The First World War” full article
Lozynskyi A.
Pages: 97-109

The study of the problem «Ukrainians during the First World War» is based on the use of different types of historical sources, which differ in composition, origin, volume of material, degree of reliability and adequate representation of events.

The article analyzes the published documents and materials of local and foreign archives; memoirs, diaries, letters written by government and military figures who were directly related to decision-making on military leadership before and during the war; recollections of participants in military battles and witnesses of those events, including Ukrainian soldiers; materials of periodicals and reference literature; published statistical data about different types of activities of local community organizations and charitable societies that provided social assistance to the sick and wounded veterans onthe territory of Ukraine, etc.

Analyzed sources give an opportunity to reliably and objectively characterize participation of Ukrainians in the main events of the First World War and to approach to the study of many aspects of this problem in a new way.

the First World War, Ukrainians, published documents and materials, archives, memoirs, diaries, letters, recollections, periodicals, statistical data, reference literature, reliability and adequacy of representation of events
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