All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.3 |
3 |
About the making technology of ceramic in Ancient and Medieval times in Djalilabad
full article |
Karimova K.
Pages: |
54-60 |
Summary |
The purpose of the research is the study of the technological characteristics of the antique and early medieval ceramic samples in the territory of Djalilabad based on archeological methods. From this point of view, it is important to identify the organization of the work ceramic art process, technological methods and technical ways. Because there are no written sources of information in this area, we will try to describe the technological process by the comparing of the mostly founded ceramic samples and their balances related to its production with ethnographic materials. In this way, it can be determined the causes of the dynamic and the degradation of the development in the period mentioned to the ceramic art.
Keywords |
Djalilabad, ancient, archeological, pottery, potter's bench, ethnographic
References |
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